The primary purpose of the Geometry Prize is to reward each year a mathematician who has published an outstanding paper, or who through his or her career has contributed to the advancement of geometry over a sustained period of time in various ways, including achievements related to the guidance of students. There is no age limit for award winners. Geometry will be interpreted in a wide sense, as outstanding results are being achieved beyond traditional boundaries, for example in areas related to topology, nonlinear partial differential equations in global analysis, and areas between mathematical physics and differential geometry.
The Iyanaga Prize is awarded for important work by mathematicians who are at most 40 years old, and who are expected to make further significant contributions in the future. At the same time, it is essential to recognize those whose contributions accumulate in a steady manner. By establishing the Geometry Prize it is our hope to supplement the Iyanaga Prize to honor those who contribute to the field of geometry in other ways.
The funds for this prize will come from various sources, including initial donations by a few volunteers, and further donations to the prize fund will be welcome. The Board of Trustees, representing diverse fields, will determine winners of the prize. The American Mathematical Society has various prizes as well as scholarships, and it is our hope that this prize will play a similar role in Japan. It is our pleasure that many have already unofficially supported this idea.
Morio Obata
Extract from Application to the Mathematical Society of Japan in 1986